Pitt Day of Giving 2025

Please join us on February, 25, 2025 for the ninth annual Pitt Day of Giving.

On this day, members of the Pitt community are encouraged to donate to support the many schools and programs at the University of Pittsburgh. Together on this day, our gifts will help ensure a brighter future for Pitt students for years to come.

This year, Heinz Chapel has set a goal of 125 donors for Pitt Day of Giving. By directing your gift to Heinz Memorial Chapel, you will help us towards earning a spot on the Places, Experiences + More leaderboard, which will earn us bonus funds. More importantly, these donations will help us further priority initiatives including preservations of the Chapel's oak pews and woodwork, Reuter pipe organ and the famous Charles J. Connick stained-glass windows. By addressing these projects now, we can be certain that this masterpiece will endure for many more decades.

Donate online now

Thank you to our 2024 Pitt Day of Giving Donors!

Jane and James Allred
Sharon Baker
Bashioum Family
Rachel and Cody Baxter
Corinne Bechtel
Mathew Beck
Sarah Braza
Robert and Dawn Burns
Andrea Cammarata and Harsha Kirpad
Martin and Carol Chlystek
Patricia and Donald Clark
Erin Clougherty and John Marks
Marissa Cozza
Nick Deangelis
Karen Deasy and Steven Lesage
Anthony DelCollo
Lori and Jack Doran
Daniel Ebbert
Taylor Floris
Timothy and Elizabeth Gigliotti
Jackie Gillespie
Timothy and Michelle Gola
Beth Howard and Bruce Rofsky
John and Cecilia Hutton
John and Marjorie Jester
Joseph Junker
Karen and Sean Kelly
Rebecca Wytiaz and Nathan Kendsersky
Eugenia and John Kennedy
Alison Laessig
Scott and Lisa Lewis
Jane Morrell Love
Kevin Luketic
Luigi Mancinelli
Naomi Mekeel
Sharon Minton
Rebecca Musoba
Jonathan Naser
Michael and Diane Neiser
Megan Quinn
Bobby Revenis
Mary and Frank Rizzo
Brian and Anna Rudolph
Mary and Andrew Sabol
Anne and Steven Schafer
Leslie Schroeffel
Karen Sebolt
Carole and Emory Sedlak
Hannah Snively
Douglas Spatz
Erik Summa
Dennis Swaney
Jason Taddeo and Robyn Marszelek
Christopher and Tricia Taormina
Tracey Taylor
Joseph Timmerman
MP Toski
Sean Vins and Maria Munsch
Jason Whiting
Kathleen Woodhall
Kevin Wozniak
Laura and Thomas Zullo

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our records, we encourage visitors to our website to alert the Heinz Chapel office of any errors or omissions by emailing us at heinzchapel@pitt.edu.