Heinz Memorial Chapel is a non-sectarian chapel given by the H.J. Heinz family to the University of Pittsburgh.
When you donate to Heinz Chapel to support the Building Fund, you can designate your gift to someone special or for a special occasion. Consider making a gift in honor or memory of a friend, family member, student or for a birthday or anniversary.
Support Heinz Chapel by making an online contribution using your credit card below. Or you may mail a check with a note of your intentions to the address below. Please indicate who you would like us to notify of this honorary or memorial gift.
* indicates multiple years of support
Donor tributes will remain on the Chapel's website for one year.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our records, we encourage visitors to our website to alert the Heinz Chapel office of any errors or omissions by emailing us at heinzchapel@pitt.edu.