Donor Honor Roll

Heinz Memorial Chapel is a non-sectarian chapel given by the H.J. Heinz family to the University of Pittsburgh.

The Heinz Chapel Building Fund

Although the Chapel undergoes routine maintenance, its priceless features sometimes require more specialized care. Your gifts help us address important preservation projects to ensure this masterpiece will endure for many more decades.

Thank you to those named below who donated to the Heinz Chapel Building Fund within the last year.

Support Heinz Chapel by making an online contribution from the link below or mail a check with a note of your intentions to:

University of Pittsburgh, Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement

107 Park Plaza, 128 North Craig Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Donate online now

Heinz Chapel Building Fund Donors

Diane L. Allard, Hunt M. Allard*
Jane B. Allred, James K. Allred*
Barbara M. Arch, Robert J. Arch*
Mia Aureum
Sharon Baker
Barbara A. Baker
Andrew J. Barber, Maureen K. Barber
Bashioum Family
Devorah L. Basinger*
Cody Nicholas Baxter, Rachel A. Baxter*
Corinne Bechtel
Mathew Beck*
William F. Blosel, Michele Blosel*
Ted W. Borawski, Wendy Borawski
Rosemary Bowers*
Sarah A. Braza
Raymond G. Brendel, Valerie Mikus
Mary Ann G. Brill, Richard E. Brill*
Michael A.Bryson, Kathryn F. Bryson*
Evan Gould Burnham, Laura Ellen Burnham*
Robert E. Burns, Dawn R. Burns*
David Carey Butler, Nancy Butler
Larry R. Cain, Maria C. Cain*
Andrea C. Cammarata, Harsha Kurpad*
Carol S. Carr, Peter J. Carr
Gerald T. Cecil, Marion H. Cecil
Martin T. Chlystek, Carol S. Chlystek
David Chou, Barbara Bartus Chou*
Brian Ciaverella*
Kala Ann Cinker
Patricia A. Clark, Donald G. Clark*
Erin L. Clougherty, John Marks
The Columbus Foundation*
John R. Conley, Marianne Conley*
Jeffrey B. Conner, Marjorie K. Conner*
Keith Connolly, Jennifer Connolly*
Marissa Ann Cozza
Dorothy A. Culham, Wil Culham
CyberGrants SPV, LLC
Jacob E. Dailey, Mary Ann R. Dailey*
Cynthia D. DeGeorge, David DeGeorge*
Nick Deangelis*
Karen A. Deasy, Steven Lesage*
Anthony J. Delcollo*
David A. Donatelli, Mary A. Donatelli
Kenneth M. Donovan, Patricia E. Donovan
Lori A. Doran, Jack Doran
Elizabeth S. Duchak, Ryan P. Duchak
Veronica M. Dull, Walter P. Dull
Daniel J. Ebbert*
Ann M. Egloff, Pedro M. Robredo*
Walter J.Eidson, Pamela P. Eidson*
Theresa Espina*
Exxon Mobil*
Kevin Fisher, Patricia Fisher
Mary E. Fisher, Robert E. Fisher*
Wesley P. Fitzsimmons*
Taylor Floris
Elizabeth A. Gallina, William H. Gallina*
Jill H. Geletko*
Timothy E. Gigliotti, Elizabeth A. Gigliotti*
Jackie Gillespie
J.R. Glunt, Lee Glunt*
Timothy Gola, Michelle Gola
Chad C. Goodwin, Erin L. Rodgers*
Mrs. Linda B. Goorin*
Antonnette V. Graham, Norman R. Graham*
James F. Grenen, Mary Grenen*
James Gerard Harkrider, Pamela Terpko*
William J. Helsel, Diane L. Helsel
David G. Hill, Nancy H. Hill*
Beth Howard, Bruce E. Rofsky*
Mary Beth Hubert, Howard N. Hubert*
Marianne K. Hudzik, James B. Hudzik*
John S. Hutton, Cecilia A. Hutton*
Edward G. Hvozdovich, Geraldine M. Herceg*
Jessica L. Irwin, William R. Irwin*
Stuart V. Irwin, Laura S. Irwin*
John E. Jester, Marjorie H. Jester
Dale E. Johnston, Janice D. Johnston*
Joseph L. Junker
Karen J. Kelly, Sean Kelly*
Eugenia F. Kennedy, Johns Kennedy*
Clarence J. Kenney, Patricia K. Kenney*
Sandra A. Kiniry*
Robert F. Koenig, Eileen M. Koenig*
Pamela J. Kossert, Steven M. Kossert*
Robert T. Kowalski, M. E. Kowalski
Jack Kramer, Lucretia Kramer*
Frank Kurtik*
Alison A. Laessig, Sean P. Laessig
Andrew Lawer, Sara Lawer
Gregory A. Leroy, Rose Marie B. Leroy*
Scott E. Lewis, Lisa C. Lewis
Harley J. Lindberg*
Jane M. Love*
Kathleen B. Lovett, David M. Lovett*
Kevin Luketic
Donald C. MacDonald, Mary K. MacDonald*

* indicates multiple years of support

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our records, we encourage visitors to our website to alert the Heinz Chapel office of any errors or omissions by emailing us at